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Long-Term Investment for Children’s Education

by Baby Cures

Self-managed superannuation funds (SMSFs) offer parents a unique method for planning their children’s future education expenses. By incorporating long-term investments into an SMSF, parents can establish a dedicated financial resource for their children’s education. This strategy entails the careful selection of investments such as education bonds, shares, or other assets expected to appreciate over time. The central idea is to synchronize the growth and maturity of these investments with the time when the children are slated to begin their college education. This approach aids not only in amassing the required funds but also potentially provides a more tax-efficient means of saving for education compared to other options. However, it is vital for parents to weigh the risks and benefits associated with each investment type and to ensure their investment decisions are in line with the SMSF’s overall investment strategy and risk profile.

When exploring investment options within Self-Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSFs) in Australia, particularly for the purpose of funding education, it’s crucial to strike a balance between growth potential and stability. Here’s a closer look at the various investment choices:


Investing in shares through an SMSF can be a powerful way to grow funds over the long term. Shares, especially in well-established companies, offer the potential for capital growth and dividends. However, they can be volatile, so diversifying across various industries and regions is sensible to mitigate risk.


Bonds, including government and corporate ones, are generally less risky than shares. They provide a steady income through interest payments and return the principal upon maturity. For educational savings, mixing bonds with different maturity dates can align the investment with the timing of future educational expenses.

Managed Funds

Managed funds, like mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs), allow SMSF trustees to invest in a diversified portfolio managed by professionals. These can include a mix of shares, bonds, and other assets, which helps balance risk and return, crucial for long-term goals like education savings.


Property investment, be it residential or commercial, can offer capital growth and rental income. However, it typically involves significant initial costs and ongoing management. Property investments in an SMSF need careful consideration regarding the fund’s overall strategy and liquidity requirements.

Education Bonds

These are specially designed for saving towards education and often come with tax advantages, like tax-free withdrawals if used for educational purposes. In an SMSF, they offer a structured way to save, combining discipline with potential tax benefits.

Collectibles and Unconventional Assets

SMSFs can invest in collectibles such as art, antiques, or wine, subject to strict regulations regarding storage, insurance, and valuation. While they can add diversification to a portfolio, they also carry unique risks and may not provide the liquidity or stability desired for education funding.

Cash and Fixed Interest Products

Cash deposits and fixed interest products like term deposits are low-risk options offering stable returns. The returns are generally lower compared to other assets, but they provide a secure place for funds, particularly as the need to use them for educational expenses approaches.

International Investments

Investing in international markets can provide diversification benefits beyond the Australian market. This might include international shares, bonds, or managed funds. These investments offer exposure to different economic cycles and opportunities, potentially enhancing overall returns.

Risk and Return Considerations

Selecting investments for education purposes within an SMSF should be done with a careful eye on balancing growth potential with the need for stability and security. Factors like the investment time frame, risk tolerance, and specific educational goals are key in guiding investment choices.

Regular Review and Rebalancing

The investment portfolio should be regularly reviewed and, if necessary, rebalanced to ensure it continues to align with the goal of funding education. As the time to utilise the funds draws nearer, this may involve shifting towards more conservative assets.

In summary, an SMSF offers a broad range of investment options that can be tailored to achieve the specific objective of funding education. The choice of assets should reflect a balance between the potential for growth and the need for stability, with consideration given to the investment horizon and the risk appetite of the SMSF members. Regular monitoring and adjustments are essential to ensure the investments remain on track to meet the educational funding goals.

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