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Baby healthcare included in employee wellness program

by Baby Cures
Employees on work

Companies Focused on Employee

A large number of companies are paying their employees high monthly salaries. Hence it is important for these companies to ensure that their employees are not under any kind of stress at the workplace, they are concentrating only on their work, and do not have distractions. Many companies are hiring women because they are well qualified and hard working. However many of these women are married and have small babies if they are young, so Health and wellness programs for these mothers include baby healthcare. Most mothers will not come to office if their baby is not well.

The amount and kind of baby healthcare depends to a large extent on the age of the baby. Very small babies below the age of six months are more delicate and likely to fall ill. While some women have family members or staff to take care of the baby, in many cases, these women do not have anyone to help at home. Hence in some companies the employee will give maternity leave to the mother for six months to one year after the baby is born. In other cases, the mother may be allowed flexible working hours, or allowed to work at home, to avoid spending time commuting to the workplace.

Employee Wellness programme for Women

Companies which hire women are increasingly recognize the fact that mothers are unable to focus on their work or take leave if their children, especially babies are unwell. Hence employee wellness programs also have a provision for taking care of babies and young children if the mother is unable to make suitable arrangements. In many cases, larger companies with female employees have crèches at the workplace, where babies and children of female employees are taken care of, while the mother is in the office, attending to the work. The mother may be allowed to take a break every few hours to look after the baby.

The company will a baby crèche will take all measures to ensure that the babies in the crèche remain healthy and happy. They may have trained and qualified doctors to check the baby periodically and ensure that he is healthy. They will also ensure that the baby is given the right food and supplements so that he does not fall sick. Toys and other items for entertaining the child will also be provided. The staff at the crèche will be trained to look after the babies of the employees, so that they are healthy, happy and does not injure itself or fight with other babies or older children in the crèche.

In case the baby is sick, the company will ensure that the baby gets the best possible medical treatment, so that he is cured at the earliest. The crèche staff will also ensure that the baby gets the vaccinations he requires, to prevent further illness. Precautions will be taken to ensure that the baby does not catch any infectious illness from the children in the crèche, and other babies. Hence increasingly companies are realizing that it will be difficult to have young women as employees unless they consider baby healthcare, and they are making provisions accordingly in their corporate wellness program.

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