Being pregnant and on bed rest can often be an extended and isolating period for an expectant mom. As a friend or relative of the mom-to-be, you may consider throwing a bed rest baby shower for a mom-to-be. So, how do you throw a bed rest baby shower?
There are a lot of ideas on how to go about this, depending on the extent of restrictions the new mother is on. The very first thing you need to do is learn what her limitations are. Additionally find out if she wants the baby shower now, or would prefer to wait until after the child is born.
If the expecting mother is feeling unwell or the newborn might not make it, think about putting the baby shower off until after the child is born. In any other case, you’ll be able to work out a solution to do a shower for her and still abide by her restrictions.
Some mothers who’re placed on bedrest don’t have many restrictions at all. The physician just doesn’t need them active. If mother can travel okay and is just not supposed to be active, you’ll be able to throw her a fairly normal shower with only a few adjustments.
Select a location that’s near her house.

- Organize for someone to pick her up and take her to the bed rest baby shower.
- Make certain there’s a good comfortable place that she can sit or lay down. It ought to be right in the middle of everything, not in a back room. Designate a sofa for her or a snug recliner, and make it a seat of honor.
- Make certain she has a place to put snacks and drinks and that somebody is responsible for ensuring she has every little thing she needs.
- Hold the celebration in the same room as her. It is okay to keep snacks and drinks in another room, but encourage everyone to remain in the main room in order that the new mother may be a part of everything.
- Keep the celebration short. Most mothers who have been on bed rest tire out sooner than those who may not be on bed rest. Keep the bed rest baby shower to 1 or 2 hours long so she does not get overly drained. She will be able to give you a good idea of what her stamina is like nowadays.
- Find out if mom-to-be has food restrictions. If she does, attempt to make foods that she will be able to eat and will enjoy.
- If you’re playing games, think about paper and pencil games, or different things that the new mom can take part in, or skip the games altogether and let her enjoy the time spent together with her friends.
- Have a chosen person who’s responsible for handing the new mother her gifts, and then as soon as they’re unwrapped, keeping them organized and put away until the end of the bed rest baby shower. Quite a lot of bending over to get gifts and put them down is a very dangerous idea for a bed resting mom-to-be. Keeping that activity to a minimum is very important.
- If people have no idea that she in on bed rest, you may want to include a small note in the bed rest baby shower invitation envelope to let those invited know that she is on bed rest and has some restrictions, however she is very much looking forward to seeing them.
- Have the new mom-to-be clear the idea of attending her bed rest baby shower with her physician. Most medical doctors acknowledge the importance of those events and can let her know what’s and isn’t when it comes to activities she can engage in. Then everybody can rest at ease, knowing that she is safe and not at risk of any adverse issues with her pregnancy by attending her bed rest baby shower.
If the new mother can’t travel, you may have to throw the bed rest baby shower at her home. It might look quite a bit like the baby shower described above, with a number of extra things to think about.
- Ensure the new mom-to-be can lay down throughout the celebration, without leaving the room. If she can’t travel, her physician most likely will not want her sitting for any length of time either.
- Organize for somebody to clean her house thoroughly for her before the bed rest baby shower. Keep in mind, she CAN’T clean it. You don’t need her stressing out about having visitors over when her house seems to be less than perfect. Plus, she’ll love having her house clean.
- Make sure you leave the house completely clean, all trash is cleaned out, and it looks nearly as good or better than it did before you arrived. Bed rest is nerve-racking for the whole family, don’t leave a mess for her husband to clean up, he in all probability already has his hands full trying to keep up with each day.
Sometimes a new mother can’t deal with having visitors around her, is in the hospital, or for some other cause can’t be at the baby shower. If that’s the case, think about throwing a mini mom-pampering bed rest baby shower. Have 2 or 3 close friends get together, give her their presents, and just keep her company. Even most hospitals will permit that. Then, once the child comes and is home, you’ll be able to think about throwing a full baby shower for her when the time is right.
The final possibility could be to throw a bed rest baby shower like you would for somebody out of town. Generally, a new mom-to-be who has been on bed rest (and thus not working) really wants the extra help getting even the fundamentals and necessities for baby. If that’s the case, throw her a long distance bed rest baby shower. Use webcams to connect her with everybody and bring the presents to her. It isn’t quite the same, however it’ll leave her feeling special and help her get what she wants before child arrives.
No matter which method you choose for throwing the bed rest baby shower, make sure that she gets one. So many moms-to-be have missed out on having baby showers because they had been on bed rest. Do not let your friend become one of those who miss out on the experience and bonding with friends of a baby shower celebration.